
Product Description
Box stair Retreads are made of .625 inch thick solid wood slabs with a traditional nose profile that simulates a 1” thick tread with cove molding applied to the bottom. Traditional Retreads are available from 36 inches to 96 inches in length. Box Retreads are used for remodeling an existing staircase. The staircase must have closed stringers to use box Retreads if there is an open stringer on one or both sides you will need a return Retread. This product will not cover dimensional lumber treads, a new riser will need to be attached to the existing riser of the staircase to hide the bottom of the existing dimensional lumber tread.
Quick Details
- Solid wood construction.
- 5/8" (.625") thickness.
- Typically used in remodeling.
When measuring a box Retread the length of the tread is determined by the width of your staircase. Tread depth varies depending on the space the staircase is in. If the staircase doesn't have much space to go from the first floor to the second floor the tread depth will be smaller. Our standard tread depth is 11.5 inches. The smallest allowable tread depth is typically 10 inches, check your local building codes to confirm.